Life Extension Gamma E

36.71 €
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Life Extension Gamma E

Life Extension Gamme E - A full spectrum of vitamin E

All eight forms of vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) in a powerful antioxidant formula.

Slows cell aging. Promotes a healthy immune system, healthy nervous system and more.

Vitamin E helps to protect the cells against oxidative stress. Life Extension Gamme E is made from the full spectrum of vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) found naturally in vitamin E-rich plants.

Contains the full spectrum of vitamin E (alpha, beta, gamma deltatocopherol and alpha, beta, gamma delta tocotrienol). Many vitamin E products contain only alpha-tocopherol

Vitamin E is actually an umbrella term for eight different antioxidant compounds. Unlike most vitamin E supplements, Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols contain all eight forms of vitamin E for optimal antioxidant protection, eye health, the nervous system and more.


Do not buy if the outer seal is broken or damaged.

Consult your doctor first f you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.

Supplements should not be used as an alternative to a varied diet.

It is important to have a versatile and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Antal kapslar: 60.

Dos: 1 kapsel varannan dag.

Innehåll Innehåll per kapsel % av DRI
Vitamin E (som D-alfatokoferol) 45 IU 251%
Gamma E blandade tokoferoler 360 mg 3000%
Gammatokoferol 178-244 mg  
Deltatokoferol 65-98 mg  
Alfatokoferol 65-98 mg  
Betatokoferol <16 mg  
Blandade tokotrienoler/tokoferolkomplex 145 mg 1208%
Gammatokotrienol 25-34 mg  
Alfatokotrienol 17-22 mg  
Deltatokotrienol 10-15 mg  
Betatokotrienol 2 mg  
Alfa tokoferol 13-19 mg  

Övriga Ingredienser: gelatin, glycerol (kapsel), medellånga triglycerider, renat vatten, solrosolja (stabiliseringsmedel), rosmarinextrakt (antioxidationsmedel).

Dosering: 1 kapsel varannan eller var tredje dag.

Konsultera din läkare om du äter blodförtunnande medicin.

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