Camu Camu pulver ME RAW&ECO 125g

106.00 DKK
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Camu Camupulver ME RAW&ECO 125g

Camu camu, which originates from the Amazon jungles, recently hit the health food world like a bomb – it is almost literally a vitamin bomb as it has been shown to have the highest natural vitamin c content of any fruit!


Camu Camu is a fruit that grows in the Amazon jungle. The fruit is reddish and extremely sour. In Peru, lemonade is made from the camu camu fruit with added cane sugar.

Camu The camu fruit is very rich in vitamin C, the fact is that it is the fruit with the highest proportion of vitamin C of all known fruits.

Latin name: Myciaria Dubia
Origin: Peru
Ingredients: organic Powder of Camu Camufrukt 100%


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